Schools Using Many Lessons of Columbine- "One concern is that after a shooting like this there will be a backlash in schools. They'll tighten up zero tolerance, and begin expelling or suspending students who make any kind of threatening statement," he says. "That would be counterproductive, since it closes off communication." - Christian Science Monitor
Rep. Rob Eissler, R The Woodlands and Eddie Evans, Co-Director TZT appear on a segment of Libertarian Politics Live - Listen to the radio interview conducted on 6/19/07 - Rep. Eissler and Eddie discuss what needs to be done. (Note: Segment begins about a minute into the broadcast after a commercial)
Backlash Against 'Zero Tolerance' Grows- By Ray Henry, AP - Story shows a growing trend of parents who are now against zero tolerance laws and disciplinary actions. In an online poll, 76% of 120,000 + respondents are against continuing with zero tolerance policies in our schools.