Texas Zero Tolerance
Texas Zero Tolerance
© 2007 Texas Zero Tolerance
To report a case of Disciplinary Policy abuse, please fill out the below form. If you would like to submit a longer version, please do so by email as well as filling out the below form.

Any case we publish on this website will be done so anonymously to protect the privacy of the family and individual school administrators. In filing out the below form, we do require that you provide your contact name and email address as well as the school district involved.
If you would like to send in a longer description after filing out this form, please email TZTinfo@yahoo.com

*Do we have your permission to publish this case online?
Report a Case
* means required field
Name* (will not be published)
Email Address*
School District*
Did the incident include a ticket or criminal prosecution?*
Approximate date this incident occured:
(Our Policy: No name - family, student, or administrator/teacher - will be published; only the school district involved. This is to protect the privacy of all involved.)
Please note that Texas Zero Tolerance is no longer active. This website will be utilized by some of our former members for research purposes. As such, the site will be updated sparingly. If you would like to submit a case for research purposes, we urge you to do so however be aware that we can offer no advice and cannot assure that you will be contacted in the future. Thank you for your support!