Texas Zero Tolerance
Texas Zero Tolerance
Flour Bluff  ISD



A student seated at cafeteria table "allegedly" stated "what the f--k" in a joking manner to a friend seated next to him. A teacher, standing directly behind the student, overheard the alleged comment.


The student was taken to the office and reported for cursing. A Corpus Christi, Texas police officer that works security at the school heard of incident and cited student with Disorderly Conduct under Texas Penal Code 42.01. At pretrial hearing (4-16-10) prosecuting attorney offered the following deal: $353 fine or 54 hours community service.


We opted for a jury trial. During the 2 1/2 hours we sat in the hallway waiting for our turn all other parents and students, and there were many, accepted their deal and paid a fine or signed up for community service. Appears to be very lucrative enterprise.

This school district has a very aggressive security force working in tandem with local law enforcement officials; they keep the alternative education classroom filled and the line at the Justice’s of the Peace payment window deep.

© Texas Zero Tolerance